VP, Strategy & Growth
Jenna Gray
Jenna was born and raised on a small family grain and livestock farm just outside of Cullom, Illinois. Growing up, a great work ethic was instilled in her at an early age by her hard-working parents. Jenna began showing livestock at a young age and continued throughout her childhood, which is a passion she shared with Zach, after being introduced by friends and family.
Zach and Jenna were married in May of 2014. Their passion for helping others has been something they have shared since their first meeting. Jenna has been a registered nurse for over a decade now and takes immense pride in putting a smile on one’s face, despite any circumstance. After the birth of their twins, Kinch and Archee, with big sisters, Roh and Wynstin, already at home, she decided to stay at home full time. Four kids under four was a big commitment, but now as they grow a bit older, Jenna holds that same passion for helping others and provides that to the amazing clients of Rooted Wealth Advisors.
As Vice President of Strategy & Growth, Jenna helps run the business functions of Rooted Wealth Advisors.